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The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem)
is a technology that creates an enhanced energy
field. The EESystem generates multiple

bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including
“scalar waves”. It generates morphogenic energy
fields that can promote healing.


The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem)

is a technology that creates an enhanced energy field. The EESystem generates multiple
bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves”.
It generates morphogenic energy fields that can promote healing.

Scalar waves have always existed. They are well known in astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics. A Scalar wave is known as a fifth dimensional non-linear wave. Third dimensional laws of nature do not bind the scalar wave. Thus scalar waves function in a self-referral and self-generating manner. They are unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter.


This catalyzes the mind/body complex to return to a more optimal state.

When the human body enters a scalar wave field, the electromagnetic field of the individual becomes excited. This catalyzes the mind/body complex to return to a more optimal state. Cells in the human body, when functioning at its maximum health potential, range between 70-90 millivolts. Dis-ease and aging occurs when the cellular energy depreciates to levels below this range. Every cell has a crystalline structure that is capable of holding a charge. The non-linear (Scalar) waves move through the matrix of the body via the crystalline structures within each cell. These crystalline structures are capable of holding a charge. This charge begins the process of increasing the cell’s millivolt range and cellular

regeneration. As the cells are charged, any toxins in the cell begin to be released from the cell. Research has indicated that exposure to scalar fields can involve DNA repair.

This technology gives us the ultimate fuel for our bodies, improving circulation, oxygenation and increasing cellular energy. At this level the body can rejuvenate and restore its health and balance.


Advancing Beyond MedBed Technology


Some benefits that have been reported from EES sessions are:

• Deep relaxation and meditation states
• Pain and inflammation relief
• Improved immune function
• Increased confidence and emotional stability
• Accelerated recovery post-surgery and injury
• Increased energy
• Improved skin texture and appearance
• Improved stress tolerance & sleep
• Enhanced learning states, improved creativity
• Improved mental focus (as measured by EEG)
• Balance R and L brain hemispheres (measured by EEG)
• Improved athletic performance
• Improved blood tests
• Detoxification and oxygenation
• Promotes antidepressant activity as it reduces noradrenaline uptake.
• And more!